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Aftercare Instructions

Take the wrap off the tattoo within 2 hours after leaving the studio. Do NOT re-wrap the tattoo for any reason.


Wash your hands thoroughly then wash your tattoo with unscented soap. I recommend Dr. Bronner's Castile unscented soap.


 Let your tattoo air dry for 15 minutes.


 Wash your hands then apply unscented lotion to your tattoo. Most unscented lotions work I personally use Lubriderm.


 Repeat steps twice a day for the next two weeks.


Always wash your hands before touching your new tattoo.


It is normal for the tattoo to be itchy or flaky during the healing process. Do not scratch the tattoo.


Keep direct sunlight and anything scented off of the tattoo.


Do not submerge your tattoo in water.


Do not rewrap the tattoo. It must breathe to heal.


Do not apply ANYTHING besides the products listed above.


Please email Danielle if you have any questions.


It is normal for the tattoo to be sore and swollen for up to a week.

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